What I'm Loving Wednesday

Two link ups in a week...oh gracious.
It's called--I am currently out of creative juices due to the fact that I am babysitting
up to three times a day.
Well, I put a lot of what I love on this blog already but 
get ready for some new ones.
image via google
1. Starbucks Light
Okay, I love me some sbux. It's bad--I have to resist the urge to buy each time I walk past one.
But these little babies come in a four-pack for under $5.
And the best part? They're only 100 calories each. 
I pour them over ice--crushed or cubed. (I prefer crushed--tastes like a smoothie?)
image via google
2. Pretty Little Liars
Does anyone not watch this show?
Well, if ya don't...start.
I'm serious- It's the best.
And the girls are always lookin' top notch.
I covet their fashion sense.
3. Homemade Strawberry Shortcake
The ultimate summer treat.
Angel Food. Strawberries with sugar. Homemade whipped cream.
4. My iPad
Obsessed would be an understate.
I love playing with this thing.
It fits perfectly into my purse for on-the-go updates.
But I am in desperate need of a cute cover/case.
Also--any cool apps I should get!?
5. Spike Earrings from Forever 21
For four bucks you can't go wrong.
They come in gold and gunmetal.
They are going to look killer with a high volume ponytail.
What are ya'll loving?
I want to know!
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  1. that strawberry shortcake looks amazing!

    1. Oh girl, it was... I probably ate a little too much.

  2. I love your blog!

    So cute, you inspired me to order the knock off J crew bubble after reading one of your recent posts! That lace top you wore with it is too cute!

    1. Yay! Let me know how ya like it. I may purchase another one in Gray because I am wearing the turq. one all the time. Send me your blog link too--I couldn't find one! XO

  3. I don't watch Pretty Little Liars but I noticed it was on Netflix, so I'll have to get caught up!

  4. Visiting from WILW! I keep hearing about Pretty Little Liars, but haven't seen it yet! I've got to check it out.

