I'm not sure I've ever laughed so hard in a movie in my entire life
and I've seen some pretty funny movies.
Ya'll need to go see it...now
It reminded me of The Hangover but with a group of ladies
It was raunchy, inappropriate and hysterical.
One of my favorite characters is Megan... I can't tell you how scary/hilarious this woman is.
I promise you'll be rolling the entire time.
The chick flick of the year.
Studying is underway and I feel like I'm drowning in Spanish
I'm just so ready to get it over with
I don't think I can stare at the pages much longer...
I read Jesus Calling this morning and it gave me such a sense of relief:
"Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes; they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances that I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me. When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for Me. Thus, your needs become doorways to deep dependence on Me and increasing intimacy between us. Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on Me produces abundant living in the world, reliance on Me produces abundant living in My kingdom. Thank Me for the difficulties in your life, since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance."
That made me take a deep breath and thank the Lord for this day.
Finals are not the end of the world.
My dorm.
Goodbye- you usually had horrible water pressure and a lack of paper towels
Finals week is quickly approaching and I am fully preparing myself.
I have the essentials to survival:
1. Lots of pens, pencils and highlighters.
2. Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee and diet coke and coffee. Did I mention coffee?
3. Snacks. I may/may not have taken several ziplock baggies to the Caf and filled them with a variety of cereals
4. Friends. I need those right now- seriously. We are all pulling together to help each other.
5. My Bible. I need a breather sometimes and a reminder that finals are not everything.
6. My MacBook- that computer has saved my life time and time again, but I must resist the urge to get on FaceBook and I'm not one of those crazy people who can have others change their passwords from them. No thank you. I like FaceBook .... a lot.
Here's a snapshot of my weekend... Not entirely exciting at all. And two of the photos happen to be beverages. I guess that covers number 2 on the list.
The new Mocha Coconut Frap at Starbucks
Oh.my.gosh it is so delicious
Hannah and I went to 'study' and participate in the Frap half price happy hour from 3-5 at Starbucks!
My friend Kat literally has a stockpile of these in her fridge.
Too good.
And this is Kat. She looks pretty pale but I can promise you she's a bronzed goddess.
She would probably kill me if she knew I put this up- but she doesn't read my blog :)
And I obviously didn't take this last picture but how perfectly preppy is this belt?!
Hint to all boys out there wanting to look like Fratstars.
Circa 7th grade, I was an avid MySpace(er)- I loved myself some MySpace
but let's be real- who didn't?!
It was the Facebook of the past and it was awesome.
I was that girl who wanted to be awesome and discover artists that were 'unknown' and show my friends and be like yeah, I found them- that's what's up.
So, one day I was browsing the selections and all of sudden, I stumbled upon Matt Wertz
Little did I know that I had found a gem.
I was instantly in love, with his looks, his lyrics and his amazing voice
From then on, I couldn't stop listening to his music
Flash forward to now.
My freshman year in college- I went to the Ben Rector/ Matt Wertz concert last night and it was incredible
and they had a Meet and Greet afterwards and you know I was like number four in line.
And I met him.
Now my life is complete and his signature is on my life size poster in my room.
It just doesn't get any better than that...
My wonderful, yet dark photo of myself, Matt Wertz and Brandon, his drummer.
And here's a video of Ben Rector singing about none other than Chi Omega.