Friday Favorites.

Happy Friday!
Was it just me or did this week seem forever long?!
Anyway, per usual I'm linking up with Lindsey over at The Bargain Blonde 
for her fabulous Friday Favorites.
I love seeing what everyone is discovering and raving about -- It makes me want to go out and try it!
Without further ado ... 
1. Favorite New Bevvy
obviously via mommygaga
Have ya'll seen these at Krogs?
I adore them.
I don't usually like sparkling water but this stuff tastes ahhhmazing.
My favorite is the Coconut Pineapple and Black Raspberry.
And they're only a dollar a piece-- and they're a pretty good size.
Let me know if you have had them and what your fav. flavor is!
2. Favorite Sun Accessory
My Marley Lilly monogram hat.
I love this thing.
I bought it for a sorority Derby party and have sported it at the pool//beach alll summer.
As a participant in #teampaleperson I don't like to get burnt at all--who does?
And I really like to cover my face while in the sun.
I want good skin when I get older.
Anyway, if ya'll haven't seen these-- hop on over there and look at them.
They're so cute and affordable.
3. Favorite New Purchase
via google
I have stalked Old Navy for this J.Crew look-a-like.
And finnnaaallly they got them !
They have the cutest new sweaters -- especially these and the polka dot ones.
Check them out.
For $25 you cannot go wrong. 
4. Favorite MTV Moment
via google
Look. at. them.
This may/may not be the worst picture ever buuut MTV is playing The Hills again.
Does anyone else love this? 
I miss this show and Laguna Beach-- what does MTV even play now?!
Whatever it is--it's not near as good as this.
5. Favorite Summer Blockbuster
via google
The Dark Knight Rises.
Holy Batman.
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
I was a little worried about Anne Hathaway playing Cat Woman -- Princess Diaries anyone?
Well, she deserves an award.
She played the part perfectly.
If you haven't seen this movie, run out and do so! 
You will not be sorry.
::Side Note I was planning on doing the tray tutorial today and guess what? This girl bought the wrong tray. The wrong tray? How does this even happen. I will get it together I promise.::
If anyone is interested in guest blogging for me next week let me know!
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It's Ok

Hey Ya'll- I'm linking up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup
and Amber from Brunch with Amber
for "It's Ok Thursday."
This is much.needed.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

To make cake balls and eat three, or four, ok five

To go to Atlanta to shop and only buy one thing

To try to catch an earlier flight just to watch Pretty Little Liars

To forget to mention happy birthday to someone pretty important in your life whoops.

To have some 'me' time and unplug all my electronics and step away from social media 

To put the most random stuff in my Erin Condren planner just to write in my Erin Condren planner ha.

To become so annoyed that Twitter is DOWN --social media junkie much?!

For my car to read 124 degrees yesterday....wait, no it's not. That's never ok.

To be so ready for fall you could scream.

Have a fabulous Thursday and get ready for tomorrow's post!
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Southernly Stated Winner:: and Slacker Life.

Ya'll...sorry I've been MIA.
I was in Jackson this weekend moving some stuff down for my apartment and
yesterday my mom and I jetsetted to ATL for the day to shop for her birthday!
It was so fun....and so hot.
I want to show ya'll my favorite purchase::

via Madewell
I am obsessed with the elbow details.
I'm just ready for fall to be here!
Also--- I'm so pleased to announce the winner of my Southernly Stated giveaway!!!
::Remember, these are randomly selected by the computer by Rafflecopter::
Congrats Mariel!
If ya'll haven't--pop on over to her blog The Preppy Student.
It is too.cute.
Are ya'll ready for the tutorial on how to make the monogram tray?!
Well, I'm not ha -- I'm hoping it will be up by tomorrow//Saturday.
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Hey Ya'll...
This is what my weekend consisted of:
I packed up some of my stuff in this trailer and headed down to Jackson with my family.
It was a whirlwind weekend.
Anddd my dad broke my bed.
Broke my bed people. 
All he did was move it and a wooden piece snapped.
Needless to say, we had to get a new bed. 
Did ya'll enter the Southernly Stated giveaway?!
If not, be sure to visit this post!
I will answer your comments ASAP but I did get asked the question of
'How much weight did I lose on the cleanse?'
The answer: 5-6 pounds
It fluctuated but it was around that.
I just felt better if that make sense.
Let me know if ya'll try it out-- I'd like to know your results.
::I still need some guest bloggers if ya'll are interested comment below!::
Annddd just because it's Monday...

via Pinterest
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Southernly Stated Giveaway:: and Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!
One quick thing: I'll be on vacation July 31- August 3. I will need guest bloggers! If anyone is interested please leave a blog comment below OR e-mail me at
I'm so pleased to announce that I am hosting a Southernly Stated giveaway.
After browsing their website, I love all the items they have to offer.
Show the South some love and sport one of their cute t-shirts.
What you will be winning::

all via Southernly Stated facebook page
A koozie, decal and navy 'frocket' shirt
Can I put my name in the giveaway?!
Okay, no.
But ya'll can!
::You must be a follower of this blog to enter the giveaway::
Now on to Friday Favorites with Lindsey over at The Bargain Blonde.

1. This Giveaway // Southernly Stated

Um, I'm sorry but I don't think trash tanks come any cuter.
Trash Tanks:: you heard it here.
Why are they called that?
No one knows... I just know that errrybody at my school does so I'm hoppin' on the bandwagon.
PS I want/need/have to have that first one.
2. Favorite Steal of the Summer
I love J.Crew umbrellas but I've had the same cheetah print one (notice a pattern?) since high school and it was time for a new one.
Well, this baby was on sale plus an additional 30% off plus my college discount of 15% AKA
the umbrella was like 7 bucks.
Normally those umbrellas run close to $35-$40 dollars.
Yes please.
3. Favorite Cleanse
via pinterest
I did Jillian Michael's detox/cleanse & I did lose the weight!
Granted, it was water weight but I just felt better and had more energy.
The Recipe (drink this EVERY day for 7 days)::
60 oz. of distilled water
1 bag of dandelion root tea
1 TBS of sugar free cranberry juice
2 TBS of lemon juice (I used the bottled kind.)
Stir and drink-- I prefer it over ice. 
4. Favorite DIY
via pinterest
I bought everything I need to make this cute tray--I just have to sit down and do it.
Instead of the pink, I am using a turquoise monogram.
As soon as I complete this project, I will be writing a how-to post on it so stay tuned.
::ALSO if anyone has any advice as to what color scheme I should use in my apartment please let me know:: 
I am at a loss.
I have dark brown/tan bedding... what colors should I use for pillows/accents on the wall?

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Favorite Things Winner and the 4-1-1.

I'm excited to announce the winner of My Favorite Things Giveaway....
Congrats Caitlin!!! 
Ya'll need to check out her blog Think Happy Thoughts-- it's too cute.
Also:: A HUGE thanks to everyone who entered. 
Ya'll rock, seriously.
And don't get discouraged because I'm hosting an awesome giveaway starting FRIDAY.

Today I'm linking up with Becky over at From Mrs. To Momma for the Blogger 411.
I think this is a great idea and I can't wait to browse the other blogs to find out more about the writers behind them!!
So without further ado...
1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I started blogging my freshman year at Samford.
I didn't write much and I didn't really expect anything to come of it--I just wanted a creative outlet and I loved to write. 
It has changed so much-- I am so thankful that people even want to read what I have to say--that means a lot. 2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Yes, currently a junior in college studying PR. 
So far, I have attended three universities:::

3. Where have you traveled?
All over the USA-- thanks to my flight attendant mom.
Out of country:: Jamaica & Dominican Republic (mission trips)
Mexico, Bahamas
4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A new car! 
Bye bye Mazda.
5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
1. Cracking knuckles
2. People canceling plans
3. Mooching off people
6. What is your favorite movie?
Harry Potter #noshame
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
I know it's weird but water.
Or coffee. 
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Organizing (?) haha and reading a good book.
9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Oh gracious, just one:: J.Crew-- I pretty much adore everything.
10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
I'm really really competitive.
I've always been that way.
This past year, I was playing intramural softball on the B team and decided that the only way I could make it home was slide.
Had I ever slid before in my entire life? No.
But I slid...and I wasn't safe. 
Buuut I did end up with the entire upper half of my leg being completely raw and bleeding.
I ran off the field laughing and crying.
I still have that scar.
11. What day would you love to relive again?
The day I decided to pack up my car without my parents (they were in Europe) and head down to Jackson, TN to a school I had never even really been to. It was the one time in my life that I honestly can say I had no control over. I just did what felt right and I knew 100% that the Lord's hand was on that moment.
 12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
Reese Witherspoon.
She just seems so down to earth.
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
In high school:: I was a children's swim instructor/lifeguard/worked at a boutique (where I still work!)
14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
Senior Prom!
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Israel hands down. 
That is my dream-- to see the place were Jesus lived...I cannot imagine!
16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you. 
My momma and I at a Chi Omega luncheon right before school let out.
17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
I'll go generic and say married, a good job and kids.
Wherever the Lord wants me.
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Hey Ya'll.
I've been reading blogs and scouring Pinterest and some of the same 
themes keep popping up for me.
I've seen some Southern t-shirts and I am in love!
Check these out::

The first two are from a company called Southernly Stated.
I just discovered this company and am already obsessed.
Their shirts and tanks have the cutest sayings and are perfect for anyone looking to show the South some love.

These tanks are from Kiss My Southern Sass.
I'm pretty sure the name says it all but I cannot get enough of these.
I want
Last but not least, these are from the Frat Collection.
Everyone has been talking about these and I can see why.
I love how you can mix and match plus 10% of your cost goes to a philanthropy of your choice.
Coupon Code Alert:: 'Kentucky' gets you 10% off!
:::Remember that today is the last day to sign up for my giveaway of favorite things:::
Plus, I have some very very exciting news for ya'll.
I'm hosting another giveaway starting Friday and it may/may not involve one of these companies.
I cannot wait to share with ya'll.
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Sweet Tooth.

Today is Monday and that means that I babysit twice today.
I love me some kiddos but I am going to be worn out.
Because this week is going to be kid crazy, I had a very relaxing weekend.
This is what it included:
I eat waaay too much fro-yo in the summer.
At least there's fruit?

I got to hang out with this little nugget.
The cutest niece there ever was--Lilly Jane!

I finally received my Erin Condren planner and I am in loooove.
Yeah, it was 10 days late.
Yeah, it was worth it.
Run. Run and get one--I promise you won't be sorry.

I know this looks like a jumbled mess of chocolate (which it may be) 
but I made chocolate covered gummy bears.
Most people cringe when I tell them about this combination but if it's wrong I don't want to be right.
They are so yummy.
Hope ya'll have a great Monday and don't forget to sign up for my GIVEAWAY

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Award Time.

Happy Saturday ya'll!
Have you registered for my giveaway yet?!
If not, get yourself over to my last post. 
Anywho, rFe over at Srat in the City nominated me for the Liebster Award.
PS rFe your blog is adorable and a joy to read!
Everyone--go check this girl out.
The Liebster Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
The meaning:: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
Disclaimer:: Can one word really mean all those things?! Ha I'm not German so I'm not sure but that's a whole lot of compliments right there.
Here are the rules:  
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember, no tag backs!

So without further ado... 11 Facts About Me and Questions via Srat in the City:

11 Facts::
1. I despise when people crack their knuckles. I feel like I'm going to be sick...and when I ask them not to, they usually do it anyway (hint:: normally it happens to be boys who do this.)
2. I have never broken a bone in my body. PTL
3. Even though I desperately wanted braces when I was younger, I never had to have them. I'm thankful now but man, I wanted those babies bad.
4. I'm addicted to coffee. I don't just love coffee, I need to have it. I get caffeine headaches if I don't. That's when you know it's bad.
5. I hate naps. What college student hates naps? I know right, but I always feel sick when I wake up from one.
6. I love love love Pinterest. It is the best distraction from studying ever. Follow my boards:: Mckenzie Masters.
7. I have known what I wanted to study in college since middle school. I was on the newspaper staff and I haven't looked back since. Writing is my passion.
8. I'm so afraid of blood. Basically all my friends are nursing majors but I cannot handle blood at all.
It freaks me out-- I don't know how those girls do it.
9. First and foremost, I am a Christian. I go to a small, Christian university and wouldn't have it any other way.
10. I am addicted to Real Housewives on Bravo (any kind...) Love 'em all.
11. I cannot decorate to save my life... seriously. It's hard for me to envision stuff together in my room which is bad since I have to decorate my apartment ASAP. 

1. What's your favorite movie quote?
Easy's from Harry Potter (duh)
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." -Albus Dumbledore
2. What's your go-to outfit for a night out?
Skinny Jeans, Oversize top, Statement necklace, Wedges
3. What's your favorite part about blogging?
Meeting new people! I love finding fun blogs and talking to the precious girls behind them. I'm always down for some new friends! My e-mail is
4. If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
I'm going to go with a Biblical character and say 
5. MAC or PC?
Mac...hands down. 
I have a love affair with my MacBook.
6. Team Gale or Team Peeta?
From reading the books, team Peeta all the way... but dayyungg Gale was sexy in the movies.
7. What's your favorite sport to play and favorite sport to watch?
I have played field hockey since sixth grade (do ya'll even know what that is?!) and I was going to play in college. A lot of girls now wouldn't see me as athletic but ya'll--I'm going to toot my own horn here and say I won Athlete of the Year in the state of Kentucky my senior year of high school.
Watch:: BASKETBALL all the way. Especially since my UK Wildcats were National Champs this year. #BBN
8. What's your favorite restaurant?
I don't really like chain restaurants all that much so I would say a restaurant here in town called The Village Anchor...nom.
9. Who's your favorite designer/brand?
I love myself some J.Crew and as far as designer goes--I love Seven for All Mankind jeans and Rebecca Minkoff.
10. What's your favorite season?
What's not to love about it?!
Smores, bonfires, pumpkins, halloween, changing leaves, football, cute layers.
Ah, I cannot wait.
11. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
The U-S-A.
We are so blessed ya'll. I'm proud of this country.
But if I could go anywhere in the world--it would be Israel. 

Enough about me...seriously.
Now it's your turn.
My Questions::
1. What's your go-to makeup item that you cannot live without?
2. What's your favorite memory from the past year?
3. If you could bring back a former President (dead or alive) for another term, who would it be?
4. Who's your celebrity crush?
5. What's your biggest pet peeve?
6. If you could marry a professional athlete, chef or CEO which would you choose?
7. What's your biggest accomplishment?
8. What are is your bedroom color scheme? 
9. What's your favorite television show?
10. What's your favorite sports team?
11. Favorite drink (non-alcoholic or alcohol):

&& the award goes to...
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Giveaway:: and Friday Favorites

Hey Ya'll I'm linking up again with Lindsey at the Bargain Blonde for Friday Faves.

I love this link-up and her blog! 
1. First up for my favorites is just a big mix of things that I happen to be giving to you.
::Enter my giveaway below::
You must be a follower of this blog in order to win this prize.
(And you get an entry doing it ;) )

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2. Velina Jewelry



When I went to Samford my freshman year, I met Tina.
She started a jewelry line with her sister and everything I have seen is fabulous.
It's amazing and inspiring for someone in college to start a COMPANY.
I barely get all my homework done.
I keep telling myself I'm going to get one but it's hard to pick just one.
I really love the bracelets with the cross. 
Want to see more?! Visit Velina Bracelets.
You won't be sorry!
3. Old Navy Heart Sweater
I adore this heart sweater at J. Crew but I really don't love the price tag...
Well it looks like Old Navy has caught on and here is what they just came out with:

images via google
I love these! 
I cannot wait to get one but our ON isn't carrying them yet.
I may/may not have to get both. 
4. Beverly Hills Nannies
via google
I saw an episode last night and fell in love.
I guess I can kind of relate to them because I am a nanny.
I absolutely adore being a nanny but ya'll...they have the life.
Some of them make $40 an hour. 
Complete with full benefits, paid vacations and driving the families' Porsches.
Maybe I should drop out of college, move to Beverly Hills and become a nanny.
With the economy the way it is, this probably isn't a half-bad idea.
5. Free Starbucks Refreshers
via google
Okay, I'm not entirely sure what these are but they're free.
So go get one-- you know I am!
I do know that they have green coffee extract which provides natural energy.
Have a fabulous Friday & don't forget to enter the giveaway!
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